
Regional Differences

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: BookNet Canada can produce regional bestseller lists in BNC SalesData. Yep. We could tell you what the top 10 nonfiction books are in British Columbia and they may not match up to Ontario’s top 10.

We currently only produce bestseller lists for the Canadian market as a whole. But with this new capability, things get a little more interesting. What will we find?

Capitalizing on the Giller Announcements

The Scotiabank Giller shortlist was announced on Tuesday, and people are absolutely delighted by the number of independent presses represented on this list. But many are also worried. They worry that the independents won’t know how to react. Steven Beattie wrote a thoughtful piece on the plight of the shortlisted indie publisher just yesterday. It’s true. It can be difficult for publishers without much Giller experience to know exactly what to do, when to reprint and how much. BNC can help with that—as long as a print job can be scheduled in time.

Are Hardcovers Outdated?

Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda is a runaway bestseller. I’ve seen it consistently rank as a top fiction title in bestseller lists for months. At first, I didn’t know much about the book, and like many I wondered how it managed to build up so much speed.

An article in The Globe and Mail on Monday tried to demystify this phenomenon.

Check Out the Giller's Track Record

The fall book season has officially begun now that the Giller longlist is out. Everyone is overthinking how to sum up the jury’s selections, but the longlist does indeed seem like “a fairly balanced affair”.

Politics aside, this is a moment for the nominees to celebrate. The Scotiabank Giller Prize works. It brings considerable attention to Canadian fiction, and it has been proven to generate sales, significant sales.

Calling Human Resources

According to who you follow on twitter, facebook, friendfeed, google reader, blogspot—oh, you get it—we either live in the Information Age, the Digital Age, the Age of Persuasion or, my latest fav, The Age of Curation. Naturally the thing that makes all of these “ages” possible, and short lived, is the internet! A posting on Microsoft recently made me think of a new “age”—the age of information bloat. How do we unbloat it?