BookNet Canada supports publishers

Join thousands of book professionals who are making their lives easier with BookNet services.

SalesData & LibraryData

More intelligence for better business.

SalesData collects weekly point-of-sales data from more than 2,000 retail outlets across Canada, giving you valuable insight into what's happening in the market. You can conduct current and historical market research, check the on-hand and on-order quantities for your titles, make informed decisions about print run planning, and more. Plus, it's affordable — and if you belong to certain publishing organizations (e.g., ACP), you'll receive a discount on your subscription.

With SalesData, you can…

  • Conduct vital, cost-effective market research and analysis

  • Plan your print runs based on historical data

  • Access valuable supply-chain data like on-hand and on-order numbers

LibraryData is included with access to SalesData. LibraryData collects weekly circulation data from public libraries across Canada to help libraries, library suppliers, and publishers investigate trends, identify collection opportunities, and more. When used with SalesData, publishers can compare circulation data to the retail market, produce overall ‘Popular Books’ lists, and examine trends by genre, regions, authors, and more.

Plus, you’ll also benefit from free monthly market reports, literary awards studies, and more.

The forthcoming titles with the most orders in LibraryData also become Loan Stars top picks!


Going paperless is painless!

Create digital catalogues effortlessly using your own metadata pulled in from BiblioShare. Records are updated automatically when the metadata is updated, and automatic notifications alert book buyers and media when something’s changed. Perks of using CataList include:

  • Automatic notifications alert book buyers and media when something’s changed.

  • Search the entire system across all catalogues to find the book(s) you’re looking for.

  • Shared notes and custom catalogues allow reps and publicists to create a more personalized experience for their accounts and contacts.

  • Title listings can include multimedia (e.g., interior images and video trailers) so all information is in one place.

  • Customizable, exportable order grids can be tailored to each account's preferences.

  • CataList partners include NetGalley, APMA, eBOUND, and more. Contact us for more information on partnerships.

  • And going digital means going green, saving money on production and shipping, and broadening your reach by being accessible from anywhere.

But what does it cost? There's a low annual subscription fee and then a per-ISBN cost. Discounts are available for publishers who are members of certain organizations (e.g., ACP, etc.). For more information, please sign up below and we'll be in touch with all the specifics. 


Quality-assured metadata spread far and wide.

Create a free BiblioShare account and submit your book metadata using ONIX. Once it's in BiblioShare's vast bibliographic database (over 3 million records and counting!), websites such as 49th Shelf can use it to help promote your titles. And once your data is in BiblioShare, you can create catalogues in CataList.

Need help creating ONIX files? Publishers and distributors can create quality ONIX files with our easy-to-use Webform tool. Records can then be easily exported to BibiloShare with just a few clicks.

Pubnet EDI

Setup is easy!

Pubnet EDI streamlines ordering and invoicing, and improves communication with retailers, all for a low, flat-rate annual fee. Publishers can use the POW web interface or use their own systems directly with Pubnet.

Fully supported

Customer tech support is available from our US partners, MVB, from Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET, so help is always close at hand:

EDI Tech Support

BookNet Canada takes care of all the recruitment and maintains EDI standards for the Canadian industry.

Click here to download a one-page PDF outlining all of our products and services for publishers.

Or for more information about any of our products, send us a message.