BookNet Canada AMA

[Update: Our answers post, BookNet Canada tells all is now up. See what you asked and what we answered.]

This is a formal invitation by BookNet Canada for you, yes you, to ask us anything!

That's right, we will be hosting our first-ever (non-Reddit) AMA in order to help you understand more about what we do and how we do it. Submissions are officially open, so if you have anything that you're dying to know, or maybe something you're simply curious about, now's your chance to ask. Questions will be completely anonymous. Once we have enough questions, we will share our answers in a post on our blog. 

Sign up for our weekly eNews or follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our AMA and to find out when we've posted our answers. The question period will be open for the next couple of weeks. Finally, we ask that all questions be respectful and appropriate. We reserve the right to choose which questions are answered.

We look forward to reading your questions!