Finding Canadian books, award-winners, and more on CataList

CataList can help librarians quickly find and order Canadian print and digital books, keep on top of titles that are nominated for or win awards, and easily access free e-galleys for upcoming titles. Plus, a free CataList library account also lets you export MARC records from catalogues so that new books are even easier to add to your system. Get all the details on these CataList goodies below…

Canadian content

It’s easy to find books by Canadian contributors on CataList: they have a small Canadian flag next to their name. You can also search specifically for Canadian contributors when using the advanced search.


Looking for ebooks? Many publishers create special ebooks-only catalogues on CataList. For example, House of Anansi and Orca recently published Spring 2015 ebook catalogues. And eBOUND has gathered together ebooks from a number of Canadian independent publishers into a single catalogue. Click the covers below to view the catalogues.


If you’d like to make sure your collection includes recent award nominees and winners, visit BookNet Canada’s CataList page for updated awards catalogues. We also have a special page for the Ontario Library Association’s Forest of Reading awards: click the logo below to browse catalogues for each category (Silver Birch, Red Maple, White Pine, etc.).

Read a galley

In addition, if a NetGalley e-galley is available for a title, CataList provides a direct link to that title’s NetGalley request page. We’ve pulled together a catalogue of all of the new titles with e-galleys available for request: just click below.

The benefits of a library account

You can use CataList without logging in, but using your free library account gives you access to extra features. For example, logging in allows you to:

  • Create, manage, and export orders
  • Export a brief MARC record from any catalogue
  • View library pricing for titles: if the publisher has supplied a library price, it will display next to the retail price

Check our user documentation for more detailed information about orders and MARC records.