Kindle Arriveth & Shortcovers Expandeth

As I’m sure all devotees of the eReader/digital book markets already know, Canadians are now able to purchase their very own Kindle (sans wirelesssort of) without having to resort to covert cross-border shopping excursions.

I’m going to leave other bloggers with the critique of the Kindle device itself (Mark Bertils does a great job at index//mb) and focus instead on another key component of eBook adoption: pricing.

New Publishing Business Model #10: The Complete Guide to Google Wave

Discuss: Google Wave is the Tickle-Me-Elmo of Fall 2009 for web denizens. Everyone wants to play with it but it’s not clear whether it will end up changing everything or just get crammed in the back of closets with an Alf doll and a some old Barbies who got innovative hair cuts thanks to scissor-happy pre-teens.

Employee of the Month

Adam Hodgkin of Exact Editions has an insightful blog post that ties in the mythic Apple tablet with App store as bookstore business model. In light of that I thought if that happens then inevitably they will need a robot to help shelve the bookspreferably one that can jump stacks and stacks of unpacked inventory and returns! Behold Kyoto-based Robo Garage has unveiled Ropid [JP] today, a mini robot that runs on two legs and can jump as high as 8cm: