Book Clubs without Borders

One of my favourite sites in the whole wide web, the Onion AV Club, has just announced a new book club that leverages the massive fan collaboration, quirky cultural tastes, and online community:

How does it work? It’s remarkably simple. Each month, a member of our blue-ribbon panel of writers…will choose a book to discuss. Four weeks later, we’ll reconvene to talk about the book in a series of posts, but not just among ourselves. We’ll be paying particular attention to points raised in the comments section and incorporating these in our discussion. Then, at the end of the week, we’ll be hosting a live chat about our selection. In short, we want to recreate the experience of a book club here at The A.V. Club. (Except for the wine and cheese; you’ll have to supply your own.)

This is a book club that offers huge potential for your quirky backlist, your this-will-never-be-one-of-Oprah’s-favourite-things graphic novels, your unpolished gems of creative literature. There’s a huge Canadian following as well (for evidence: just check out the comments for the article).

And the best part is all you have to do to suggest new titles is to comment on the AV club pages (which is even kind of fun in itself). Plus, now you have a reason to be on the Onion AV club during work hours. I’m not promising that you can make digging through the archives of My Year of Flops a work-related task but this, my friends, is a start.