It's coming: a new SalesData launches this month

We've been building a new SalesData with faster processing, more robust data, and enhanced features for our valued subscribers, and we won't even make you wait until April to see it! On Feb. 22, the new system will be available to use for anyone with access to SalesData.

Some new features users can expect:

  • Faster processing: We don't want to brag, but the new SalesData is pretty fast, which means you can run and download reports more quickly than ever before. Plus, for any large reports that take more than a few seconds, we also have a new widget that will download them in the background so you can keep using the system while you wait.
  • More robust dataset: Our retailer panel continues to grow, and with the new SalesData, we also have an increased capacity to process historical data and we've added even more stores to some of our chain markets. 
  • More & better reports: We've expanded our existing roster of reports to help users better analyze their data for more insightful market analysis. Plus, there's more power to filter your searches, customize reports, and get the exact snapshot of the market you want to see.
  • Quick search: Users can search for titles, authors, ISBNs, and more in fractions of a second.
  • Graphs: The new SalesData's graph game is strong. Get ready for adaptable and intuitive data visualization.
  • ...and lots more!

The new SalesData will be available to use as of Feb. 22, but don't fret: the current system will be available to use up to and including March 18. In the meantime, here's how subscribers can get ready:

Spark joy by cleaning up your saved reports:

We'll be automatically migrating your saved Bestseller Reports to the new system, but we won't be doing the same for Title/ISBN, Market Share, Title Trend, or Titles by Market. The overlap period between the old and new systems will be a good time to recreate those reports in new SalesData, but in the meantime, do yourself a favour and chuck any reports you're not using. Learn more about managing your reports.

Stay tuned:

We'll have more information on training webinars and resources on using the new system soon.

Feel free to email with any questions about the new system. Or, learn more about SalesData and how to sign up here.