BookNet Canada loves libraries

Join thousands of book professionals who are making their lives easier with BookNet services.

We have a suite of products and tools for your whole library team: from collections to marketing to patron outreach, we can help them all. Want to know which BookNet solution is right for you? Find the work problem(s) that keeps you up at night in the list below and let us help you sleep easy.


Want to know everything you need to know about circulation stats, trends, and collection opportunities in Canadian libraries? Look no further than LibraryData!

I often need to share circulation and collection stats with my library wholesaler, sales reps, or other libraries in my consortium or association. Can you help make this easier?

Yes, we can! LibraryData allows you to share your library’s circulation data with partners you choose. Empower your library wholesaler or publisher sales reps to use your circulation data to tailor their recommendations for your ARP or next sales meeting, with no special reports needed from your library teams.

I’m selecting new titles for our collection and I want to make sure I’m not missing important books — how do I find out?

Collection Gaps reporting in LibraryData can help you find books missing from your collection that are top-performing at other libraries or in the retail market. Unearth those hidden gems and add them to your collection!

We’re always trying to keep the hot bestsellers moving in our library — how can we stay on top of who’s climbing the ranks?

Stay in-the-know on all things bestsellers with LibraryData & SalesData. Get weekly updates on top-selling titles nationwide and compare your collection’s stats for those titles with one click, or have it automatically emailed to you each week for set-it-and-forget-it updates.

I want to know which forthcoming titles are popular amongst Canadian libraries from coast to coast.

Loan Stars is the readers' advisory tool that allows libraries across Canada to indicate popular upcoming titles. Using LibraryData, the library data aggregation service, the forthcoming titles with the most orders become Loan Stars top picks! Along with Adult and Junior lists, Loan Stars periodically releases lists identifying the top-ordered Canadian-authored titles as well as genre-specific lists.


Want a sneak peek of new books before they’re released? Librarians and library staff have trade access in CataList to exclusive advance content, such as digital galleys, advanced readers copy request tools, and book excerpts to guide your purchasing (and reading!) decisions.

I want a quick and easy way to find books written by Canadian authors (or authors from other parts of the world)!

The powerful search engine in the CataList electronic catalogue system allows you to search across all participating publishers' listed titles, refine by geographic region, contributor locations, or other parameters, and export title lists to Excel or MARC21.

I want to stay up to date on the newest titles being released and make sure my patrons have access to the latest and greatest books the moment they’re available!

Find the newest title listings in publishers' frontlist catalogues in CataList. Browse the catalogues, or use the one-click reports on the CataList home page to find upcoming new releases for all publishers month-by-month.

We’re looking to enhance our community engagement efforts, plan author appearances, and support book clubs.

BookNet makes it easy to identify publisher-created content designed for audience engagement. Reading guides, book club kits, author tour information, and more are available to support your marketing efforts and grow your audience.

CataList’s robust search features allow you to search for titles by subject — or by a list of ISBNs in your collection, and then refine results to show titles with reading group guides or teacher's guides. Dig into the title detail information to see marketing and publicity details on new and forthcoming titles.

We want to create and share curated selections with our patrons. For example, a reading list for Black History Month or a collection of Christmas favourites.

Take advantage of CataList, our digital cataloguing solution, and its half million book listings to create print-ready PDFs to post and share with committees, colleagues, and patrons.

Create custom lists of titles in CataList, and configure templates for exporting any list to PDF format. Customize the layout, bibliographic data, headers and footers for your PDF format, save your templates for reuse on future lists, and share them with your colleagues.

I’m looking to optimize my ordering process by working directly with our suppliers. Can you help with that?

With BNC CataList you can create book orders, share with your team and sales representatives, and export MARC records with or without order details in the 970 line for import into your ILS.

Export basic MARC21 records for any list of titles from CataList, or access the BiblioShare web services to retrieve more complete MARC records.


Quality-assured bibliographic data is within reach using BookNet’s BiblioShare for MARC or ONIX data delivery service. Whether you need to create a feed or are looking for specific records, our bibliographic database is here to serve.

I’m looking for images and other content to enhance our library’s online catalogue and marketing efforts.

Take advantage of Biblioshare’s image services to receive a smorgasbord of cover and author images, interior images and layouts, samples and excerpts, and more to power your online catalogue, create marketing collateral, and fill the gaps in your catalogue.

We’re looking for a way to successfully distinguish Jon Stewart from John Stewart AND show off the depth and breadth of our catalogue to your patrons. How can we do that?

Take advantage of linked data and the semantic web by exploring ISNI, an identifier that differentiates creators and their works, books and beyond. BookNet’s bibliographic database includes ISNI information for many creators. And BookNet offers documentation and education about this internationally-supported standard!


The book industry changes at an accelerated pace and keeping up can be tough — but you don’t have to go it alone. BookNet Canada publishes timely and actionable research so that your library is in the know and your staff has the know-how.

I want to know everything there is to know about book borrowers: How often do they read? What genres are they interested in? How do they discover books? How can we prove that borrowers don’t take away publisher profit?

BookNet Canada surveys readers, buyers, and borrowers quarterly. We publish the results from our original research through the monthly Research newsletter, the BNC Blog, and on our website. To start, check out our free report, Borrow, Buy, Read: Library Use and Book Buying in Canada.

I want to know about the Canadian publishing industry. What are bookstores and publishers up to? Where do libraries fit in?

Every year we survey a segment of the Canadian publishing industry, alternating between publishers and independent booksellers to find out what state they’re in. What’s going well? What are their challenges? How do the publishing, bookselling, and library sectors interact with each other?

TinyLetter for Canadian library staff

I want short, to the point updates with news and insights about Canadian libraries sent right to my inbox.

You’re in luck. We have all the data fit to print about libraries in Canada: borrower behaviours and preferences, public library insights, information about readers in general, and more in our newsletter, The Borrowers

The Borrowers banner image. Icon of library building, ereader, a stack of books and headphones around two books stood up vertically.

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For more information on any of these services, send us a message.