The Challenges of E-Book Sales Data

As the keepers of the aggregated book data for the Canadian industry, we are often asked to provide statistics on e-books. These requests come from far and wide but are often made from those wishing to compare Canadian adoption rates of digital technology with rates of other markets.

Unfortunately, our desire at BNC to quantify this data is met with considerable challenges when trying to put the metaphorical rubber to the road. A few for your consideration…

BNC SalesData Tip #3: Creating a Report and the Perils of Design

Changing the design of the bestseller report creator in SalesData was no easy task. The problem: how do you provide users with the ability to do advance searches in an interface that allows lots of criteria? You have to consider the best practices of designing when trying to solve this problem but as so many things in software development there are always exceptions.

BNC SalesData Tip #1: Not Drowning, Waving with Simpler Saved Reports

It’s a brand new day in BNC SalesData land! We hope you are finding the new features and tools useful. If your experience so far has been great, that is fantastic.

If you are scratching your head wondering what we were thinking, well, this blog series may be for you. Over the next several weeks, we will be blogging tips and tricks for using the new and improved BNC SalesData.